Win Building
Win Building
#29 "Find something in your life that gives you positive emotion" - Olav Schewe - Author, Learning Enthusiast and TED talker
Olav is an expert in education. He realised at an early age the benefit of changing habits and processes to enhance his educational experiences and fortunately for us, he then wrote about this.
He has the best selling book "Super Student" and has recently released his latest book, co-authored with Barbara Oakley (one of the world's leading experts in education) "Learn Like a Pro".
You can find Olav everywhere online but you should definitely check out his EDX course (free version is great too!) here: https://www.edx.org/course/llap?index=product&queryID=8aef48fc64d864320ab4f781e6b7bc25&position=1
And go buy his books here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=olav+schewe&crid=3OZ7ICKRWUJ7K&sprefix=olav+schewe%2Caps%2C105&ref=nb_sb_noss
Our conversation was recorded walking through the beautiful Frogner Park in our hometown of Oslo, Norway. I didn't manage to capture any video footage so this video is simply stock footage of Oslo (enjoy!)