Win Building
Win Building
#11 "All of a sudden you are part of the symphony" - Benjamin Delahaye - Speaker, Trainer, Inspirer, Comedian, Podcaster, Youtuber, Writer.. among other things!
Find all you need here at his website: https://www.bendelahaye.com/ subscribe to his Youtube, Podcast and follow him on Twitter!
Find the video here: https://youtu.be/jGz6a7KO1kU
Ben is an old colleague of mine and we went to the same business school. We share a lot in common, especially deep interest in how people operate at their best.
His podcast “Superpower of confidence” has already had some awesome guests speaking about the intricacies of gaining and sustaining confidence and the potential pitfalls and challenges that come along with it.
Ben and I had a great conversation over a glass of wine once our kids were asleep! He also shares with me a very personal challenge that he himself was faced with. I am concerned that this may trigger some people. Therefore, should you need help, please either reach out to Ben or I, or call a helpline. You can find most countries support lines here: http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html
Thanks for listening.. and reading all this.. You're awesome! :)