Win Building
Win building - How do you construct a win?Achieving Dreams, hitting goals, being the best.Speaking to people who have achieved something amazing and getting their insights and opinions on the whole process
Win Building
#17 "Trust in your own special self" - Nina Bauregger - Marketing. Communications. Leadership. Strategist. Trainer. Coach.
Nick Gray
Season 1
Episode 17
One for the marketeers and sales people amongst you!
Nina has founded the Austrian Leadership Academy and has spent her career so far specialising in marketing and communications. She has worked as an advisor to the government and companies and has worked in CX (Customer Experience), Crisis management and all other aspects of sales.
You can find the video version here: hhttps://youtu.be/CMlNmbRSWGg
You can find out more about the brand new Austrian Leadership Academy here:
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