Win Building
Win Building
#19 - “Don’t be afraid to dream really big!” – Sophie Power - The woman who was pictured breastfeeding her kid in the middle of an extreme (170km) mountain running race!… and so much more!
he didn’t need the surname to define her but it does! You may know her from a viral photo of her breastfeeding in the middle of a 106 mile (170km) mountain marathon race, but she is also a business founder, former finance director and an awesome human focused on making the world a better place.
A great conversation with Sophie about her journey in taking herself to higher levels in both personal and professional life.
You can also watch the video of this podcast here: https://youtu.be/A4OmD7IuA9E
Check out Sophie in all the following places:
Her latest video (a must watch and a must share/like/subscribe etc!): https://youtu.be/9QcbaUux5oI
Website: https://www.sophiepower.com/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ultra_sophie/
Instagram (where she promises to reply!): https://www.instagram.com/ultra_sophie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ultra_sophie?lang=en
@01:10 - Sophie introduces herself
@03:45 - How did you get 'in ' to trail running?
@08:55 - Is it stubbornness? perseverance? or otherwise how would you define what gets you through the runs?
@13:00 - Trail runners are generally private - How does that align with having such a big impact viral photo?
@16:44 - what do you need in terms of team and help to set yourself up for those personal wins?
@21:24 - Is there something around 'purpose' that you can 'tap into'?
@25:37 - How do you manage to balance two sporty parents with life?
@31:36 - How does age factor into performance?
@38:12 - Sophie wraps up and tells us where to 'find' her
@39:42 - Sophie's final thought (and some awesome advice!)