Win Building

#21 - KC Wai - "Be yourself.. but be structured!" - The only man I ever kissed. Kind, intelligent, positive and unique.. A great friend to many

Nick Gray
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:02:22

KC is another great friend of mine who I worked with in EF and he shares about his life and development over time.

You can find KC here on linkedin and share some positivity!:

You can find the video version of the podcast here:

Show notes:
00:00 - Nick intros show
01:42 - Nick Intros KC
03:42 - KC intros himself
08:30 - KC talks identity
14:20 KC talks diversity and inclusion
19:00 - Nick and KC talk Lego minifigures and different personality traits
21:27 - KC talks about changing first impressions or perceptions over time as you become more senior
28:10 - "Since leaving EF have you noticed changes in the way that you were once perceived?"
31:45 - KC talks about authenticity as a professional
35:45 - KC talks about people who are pushing too hard to be perfect and how important it is not to set yourself too high bars
39:00 KC talks about Asian education and the pressure to be the top and whether he sees changes
43:35 - Nick talks about the value of understanding competitiveness that comes alongside the extremely competitive style of education
45:00 - Reflection on the negatives towards the same style of education
47:30 - KC talks about his life with EF, leaving and structuring his job hunt
59:14 - KC Shares his advice and final positive words