Win Building
Win Building
#25 - "I love Mondays" - Martin Frolander - CEO, Investor, Humanitarian and Well Being specialist .. but first and foremost.. a father and husband!
What an inspirational man. Husband of yet another former boss of mine and general all round awesome human. We talk about his growing up in Mozambique and the influences that he has had in his life, his focus on humanitarian causes and well-being and he shares some excellent ideas for helping yourself too.
You can find out more about Martin here: https://www.martinfrolander.com/ or follow him on Linkedin (I recommend this!) here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-fr%C3%B6lander-8294152/
Thank you for listening.
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@00:02:10 - Martin introduces himself
@00:03:06 - University and work
@00:07:40 - Being a humanitarian
@00:18:14 - Being a capitalist and a humanitarian
@00:22:10 - What role does money play in motivation?
@00:23:40 - What do you geek out on and what does motivate you?
@00:27:20 - Martin's well-being story
@00:29:40 - Mondays.. why you need to love them
@00:33:40 - Who influences you?
@00:37:40 - Nick talks about why he does the podcast
@00:39:40 - What are your learnings from parenthood?
@00:43:10 - We talk phone/screens addiction
@00:47:40 - Martin's philosophy on achieving and succeeding
@00:50:14 - Nick reflects on curiosity
@00:50:40 - Habits and wellbeing
@00:54:27 - Martin's advice to aspirational people
@00:55:40 Martin and Nick close with short discussion on success and failure